Seventy Times Seven

Hurt people, hurt people.

We have all been hurt and we have all hurt someone. Why do we hurt people? Why do people hurt us? I don’t have those answers.

We have hurt from yesterday, hurt from last year, and maybe even hurt from 30 years ago. Goodness, there is even hurt that goes back generations. I can imagine that those hurtful habits are hard to break. That longstanding hurt and pain is hard to untangle from the heart. How do we heal from hurt and pain that has lasted days, months, years? How do we forgive someone who isn’t sorry? How do we forgive someone who doesn’t even know what they’ve done? I do have this answer.

The love and forgiveness of God.

Psalm 86:5

"For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you."

Ephesians 4:32 (Goodness, just give all of Ephesians chapter 4 a read. It’s good.)
"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."

Colossians 3:13
"The Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive."

I see a theme here. God gives me grace upon grace upon grace. I hurt Him every day with my words, actions, and thoughts. I couldn’t possibly hurt another person on this Earth more than I have hurt my Savior. He loves me and forgives me anyway. He is my perfect example for how to forgive even those who may have caused the most painful hurt. Matthew 18:21-22 says "Then Peter came up and said to him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?" Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven."  

I know I’ve been the villain in someone’s story somewhere along my life. I’m sure I’ve said hurtful things and acted in hurtful ways. I hate to think that I’ve caused someone so much pain that it would result in disruption to their peace and life. I would never want that. But the truth is, I may do it again. I can’t promise I won’t. I can only promise, through the faithful love and guidance of God, that I will try to live each day as peacefully and grace-giving as possible. I will continue to see the light that others are able to give. I will give forgiveness and grace when needed, even if it is hard (and trust me, sometimes it’s really hard). And, I will not be too prideful to say, “I’m sorry” when needed.

I’ve also been the one who has been hurt. Deeply and repeatedly. I had to learn that, although I didn’t have to allow that situation to continue, I could still approach it with grace, forgiveness, and peace. I realized that pushing back in anger and hate from my hurt (remember, the hurt people cycle) wouldn’t solve any problems. And in the end, it wouldn’t make me feel any better. I was able to give grace as grace was given to me. It wasn’t always easy. My human-ness wanted to respond in anger. But as I prayed, God reminded me of my forgiveness and allowed me to lead with words of kindness instead.

To me, this life is too fragile and short to spend so much time hurting ourselves and others. When we hold onto wrongdoings from the past inside, it hurts us more than it hurts the person who hurt us. That resentment, pain, and hurt will continue to dwell in our hearts and leave us peace-less. When we give grace and forgiveness to others, we are showing them God. We are being a light. We are showing that the grace that God gives us daily is not wasted and is passed on to another. If God can forgive me for my sins, I can pass on forgiveness where it is needed in my life.

Always remember, God says you are special, loved, forgiven, and unique. He is ready to welcome you with open arms…Yes, you! He made you just the way He intended. Any mistake you have made, any road you have taken, any words you have said, any regret so deep is never too much for our Heavenly Father. I pray that His love, grace, mercy, and goodness will find you wherever you are today.



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