2024: A Year of Extravagant Love

Over the last week I’ve pondered what my “word” or “theme” for 2024 should be. In that time, I’ve struggled to come to a word that sticks and feels…right. It’s not that I can’t think of a word. It’s that I can’t think of just one that would benefit me to focus on. Joy. Peace. Direction. Rest, Inclusivity. Growth. Patience. But, on a run yesterday, it came to me. EXTRAVAGANT LOVE. My 2024 theme is extravagant love. I want to love abundantly. I want my love to “lack restraint,” “exceed what is reasonable or appropriate.”

I don't just mean love as in my marriage. I mean to everyone. Husband. Friends. Acquaintances. Strangers. People who may not like me. People I've argued with in the past. People I've yet to know.

 I chose extravagant vs extraordinary because of how the two words are defined. Extravagant is said to be “exceeding the limits of reason,” where as extraordinary’s definition is “exceptional or remarkable.” I don’t need my love to be exceptional or remarkable. It just needs to be present, exceeding, in abundance, without reason, an overflow.

Extravagant love is a challenge to leave the spaces I’m in better than when I found them. It’s a challenge to love when it’s easy and when it’s hard. To love people of all kinds and in all situations.

 I encourage you to join me on this journey of extravagant love this year. I think we will find that in loving others without limits, we find the greatest joy, direction, and peace we could imagine. Plus, you never know when a little extravagant love may make its way back to you just when you need it.

 To 2024...A year of extravagant love!


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