Slobber and Forgiveness
I spent 30 minutes this morning wiping English mastiff
slobber off my walls. What? You mean that’s not something you usually find
yourself doing on your days off? Huh.
Raider, my English mastiff, drools excessively. Excessively. And then, he shakes his head.
This causes the drool to fly in various directions around my house. Ceilings.
Walls. Picture frames. Couch. You name, it’s had drool on it. So, once a week,
I find myself using my handy little microfiber rag to erase all of Raider’s
slobber marks. And wahlah, my walls are brand new again.
It’s nice to know I have my own microfiber rag in my life,
I’m sure at the end of some weeks, He looks at me and says “Wow.
Get a little dirty this week, Jenny?” But thank goodness, he’s there to wipe my
“slobber marks” away and make me brand new in his eyes.
Being a Christian doesn’t make me perfect. Jesus was perfect. I am not. This doesn’t mean
I don’t and won’t mess up. I will make mistakes. I will hurt people. I will
sin. Some weeks I’m really good about reading my Bible, but most I’m not. Some
weeks I’m a woman after God’s own heart, but most weeks, I’m not. I try
to be honest, but sometimes, I’m not. I am not, nor will I ever be perfect.
How lucky am I that I have a Savior who
forgives me? He sees my dirt and loves me anyway. He’s cleansed me in the water
so I can be made brand new.
I mess up, I pray to do better the next day. I pray to be better. I
pray to be more honest, more faithful, and more loving. I pray to be
more Christ-like. He forgives me daily. And through Him, I know the true
meaning of love.
You made some mistakes? Join the club. He loves you anyway. He
has always loved you. He will always love you…mistakes and all.
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